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Influencer Marketing For Fashion Brands


Social media has transformed how consumers learn about fashion. For decades consumers relied on glossy magazines to find the latest fashion trends and see the newest icons. However, due to social media and the internet,

fashion trends and fashion icons come in different forms, shapes, and sizes. Fashion influencers can help place established and emerging fashion and accessories brands on the radar. No longer does your design need to be on the cover of Elle or InStyle to get your clothing noticed and trending.

Digital fashion influencers use social media to amplify fashion brands across multiple channels like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. If your brand has not tried an influencer marketing campaign yet, here’s why you need to get started now!

Fashion is Visual by Its Very Nature
Macro and micro lifestyle and fashion influencers use image dominated social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for a reason. They know their audience base responds positively to visual and video posts rather than text-based posts.

Imagine yourself in the shoes of the consumer. Let’s say you are in the market for a new pair of ballet flats to wear to work. As an influencer, I could describe to you a comfortable, stylish black ballet flat with beautiful stitching and a non-slip sole that I wear to work as well as the the mall on weekends -would you purchase them?

Influencer marketing converts fashion consumers because imagery stimulates the buyer’s imagination. When seeing celebrity and social influencers, the newest fashion icons partnering with brands in their fashion campaings, this encourages the consumer to purchase their product to “get the look” too. This concept of appealing to the consumer is as simple as the comsumer wanting to wear what the celebrity wears, wanting to be on trend or just simply because they like the influencer.

Social Media Made Luxury Fashion Brands Accessible and Relatable
Social media has made luxury fashion brands accessible to the masses and created an emotional connection with the consumer. No longer do runways and glossy fashion magazines dominate luxury fashion trends. Through influencer marketing on social media fashion brands can now connect with the consumer because they see regular people just like themselves in an outfit and realize that can look just as good! Fashion brands regardless of price points can make their lines more accessible through influencer marketing and the social sales cycle.

Fashion Micro-Influencers Merge Spheres of Influence, Affordability With ROI
Fashion brands often cannot afford or are not interested in top-tier celebrity endorsements, along-term brand ambassador or an A-list social influencer. Increasingly, the brands that shun the shock and awe of top-tier influencers now turn to micro-influencers campaigns. While micro-influencers have smaller audience bases, they hold significant influence over their audiences or “spheres of influence.”

Influencer expert Cynthia Srednicki feels “Micro-influencer build communities that transform into spheres of influence generating increased engagement and loyalty that top-tier influencers with millions of followers can’t. This type of influencer generates buzz around a post by responding to and commenting on conversations on social media rather than just simply posting and moving on to the next.

Smaller audiences and stronger “spheres of influence” make micro-influencers highly attractive and affordable for brands by maximizing ROI through reaching a loyal but smaller audience at a lower price point.

How Can Dreamweaver Help Fashion Brands Benefit From Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Fashion influencer marketing is only successful when fashion brands target the right audience. Even if you select a digital power influencer for a campaign if the content does not reach people who are interested ROI will suffer. Partnering with an experience influencer marketing agency will not only save your brand time but also marketing dollars. Working with brands will build buyer personas, integrate your marketing goals, create campaigns, locate and vet influencers who align with your brand, negotiate compensation, create a set approval process and report KPIs to you on a set schedule.

 Schedule Your Influencer Marketing Consultation Today 

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